Statement of use (SOU)
Remember that if you have a registered trademark in the United States, you must produce proof that you are using it for commercial purposes within your first year (if you applied for a “intent to use” trademark) and again in your fifth year. This helps to maintain your trademark valid and current.
Why IPITeC ?

Unrivaled expertise
10 years of registering trademarks and copyrights

Worldwide coverage
An international team that provides IP protection worldwide

Simple & supportive
Available for even your most basic needs

Total brand protection
Licensing, assignments, liens, valuations, and registrations
The Process
Statement of use notification
Upon receiving a statement of use request, you can contact us here for processing.
Quotation & Invoice
We will follow up with a quote for the costs and then. once confirmed, send an invoice.
Submission upon Payment
Once we receive the invoice payment, we will submit the statement of use on your behalf and provide you with a receipt.
Trademark confirmation
Upon receiving confirmation from the USPTO, we will inform you of your successful registration.
If you require more information, contact us!
Our dedicated trademark law firm team is comprised of highly experienced and knowledgeable legal professionals. Contact us with your inquiry and we’ll get back to you in no time!